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When Infected Break Through Your Defenses

This will happen now and then, no matter how good your defenses are. Harpies can jump over walls and are very quick to run and infect buildings. Even with top notch defenses a harpy can break through and cause some...
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Building The Best Base Defense

Defending your colony is what this game is all about. Doing it effectively is what makes up the challenge. You need to make sure you understand how the enemy works. In turn, you need to know all of the defensive...
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Exploring the Map Without Getting Killed

If you have ever sent out rangers to explore the map, you will soon learn that there are a lot of dangers out there waiting for you. Every map will spawn with a number of zombies in the surrounding areas....
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Surviving The First 10 Minutes

The first 10 minutes, or first 10 or so in game days are critical to winning a game of survival. If you do not prepare correctly, the first wave of zombies, as small as it might be, will take you...
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Beginners Tips For Building A Colony

If you are jumping into this game expecting to use all of your best Age of Empires and Dawn of War tactical knowledge, think again. This game will wipe the floor with your puny settlements with one single enemy. The...
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PSVR Power Consumption

Today I decided to measure the PSVR power consumption level. Since it has it's own power supply, I had wondered what the wattage was and how much power it would add onto the already high amount of power the PS4...
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Vacation Simulator Review

Score: 7/10
Breaking away from the real world is one of the main draws of VR gaming. Run away to a new world that is better than the gloomy weather outside. Taking a vacation is another alternative, but those can be expensive....
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Dick Wilde 2 Review

Score: 6.5/10
Swamp creatures have mutated to monsterous sizes and are out to kill you. How did they get this big? why do they want to kill you? Who cares! All that matters is that you get to blow them all to...
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Guns'n'Stories: Bulletproof VR Review

Score: 7.5/10
Guns n’ Stories is a wild west shooter with a twist. Realism is thrown out the window as you take on hordes of outlaws using a unique arsenal of weapons and your lightning fast reflexes. Guns ‘N Stories delivers exactly...
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Out of Ammo Review

Score: 7/10
Bringing your imagination to life is something that movies and games have been trying to do for years. Part of why i love VR so much is that it can push the boundary forward to the point where imagination can...
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Accounting+ Review

Score: 8/10
"Fuck you! This is my place, fuck you!" If anyone mentions this game to me, this is the first thing that is going to come to my head. Accounting+ is rude, vulgar and hilarious. I have not played a game...
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Bandit Six: Combined Arms Review

Score: 6.5/10
Bandit Six: Combined Arms is a VR game that puts you in the seat of a turret gunner responsible for taking out waves of enemy planes, tanks, helicopters and other vehicles. The gameplay is very simple and is initially a lot...
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Arizona Sunshine Review

Score: 6/10
A zombie outbreak has swept across the USA and you are left to survive alone. You pick up a rogue broadcast on a camping radio that informs you of a safe haven, but the signal is weak. As you work...
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Vice City Hidden Package Location Guide

There are 100 hidden packages to collect throughout Vice City. Generally, they are quite easy to find, but some of them can be quite tricky. This guide will show you where to find all 100 hidden packages in Grand Theft...
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How To Cure A Zombie Villager

When you are at a NPC village you may, at some stage, come across a zombie that looks like a villager. They look like normal zombies, but with a green villager head. It is actually possible to cure a zombie...
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Use Large World Map Size with Classic Minecraft Seeds

If you are playing the console edition on the newer systems you may come across a well documented Minecraft seed that you want to use. If that seed was used on the PlayStation 3 or any of the legacy console...
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Minecraft Seed Cross Compatibility Guide

When you first dive into the world of Minecraft world seeds, you might be a little confused. There are lots of metrics to understand and lots of issues that can pop up that might prevent the seed from working for...
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How To Get Dinraals Scale

If you have reached the Spring of Power in Breath of the Wild, you will likely be wondering who the hell is Dinraal and how do i get his scale? Well chances are you have already spotted him and not...
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Hero of the Wild Armor Set

The Hero of the Wild armor set is the iconic look that we have seen Link wear in almost every Legend of Zelda game in the past. For those unfamiliar with the past games, this is the green hat and...
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Dark Armor Set

The Dark armor set is an armor set that will give Link a speed increase during the night. The items in the set do not offer any individual enchantments and the defense is moderate with all 3 pieces combined giving...
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Rubber Armor Set

I find the Rubber Armor set to be a really, really useful armor set. You will quickly discover that Link is a total pussy when it comes to electricity. Chu Chus are pretty lame enemies, but when you see an...
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Radiant Armor Set

The Radiant Armor set is a bit like the Gerudo Vai armor set in that it has a more specific use, but unlike that set, the Radiant armor set has decent base defense so it can be used outside of...
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Barbarian Armor Set

The Barbarian Armor set is a valuable armor set to have if you need to go on an all out offensive attack with little care for defense. If you can kick ass fast enough, who needs defense! Just like the...
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Climbing Gear Armor Set

The climbing gear armor set is a massively valuable set to obtain as early as possible as you will spend a lot of time climbing in Breath of the Wild. The set, as you might guess, is tailored toward climbing...
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Ancient Armor Set

The Ancient Armor set is one of the better armor sets for combat. Most armor sets are geared to some form of elemental region and will provide an enchantment that will reflect this. The ancient armor will provide bonuses that...