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Best Gear Stats For Titans

The Titan character class in Destiny 2 is a tank-style class that allows players to both deal and take large amounts of damage, if you have the right spec of course. When it comes to building a titan, you will...
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Best Gear Stats For Hunters

Many players focus very heavily on ensuring their gear has the best light level and in the process, they will likely think a piece of gear is better, simply because the light level is higher, which is often a big...
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How To Increase Light Level Quickly

Light level was once considered an end game system, back in the day when Destiny required you to get to level 30 before light level was even something you had to contend with. Fast forward to today and light level...
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How To Get Algae For Crafting

Algae is something that will quickly come to your attention mid-way through the game. You find yourself needing to create something like fertilizer and with this, you will need three units of Algae and more than likely have not come...
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How To Automate Sand Collection & Storage

Sand will have been on the doorstep of your settlement since you started the game and it will be quite some time before you find yourself needing it. You are more than likely looking to start making mortar to upgrade...
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How to Automate Creating New Bots

Creating bots is going to be a regular requirement from the beginning to the end of the game. You are always going to need new bots. Be it for automating resource gathering or for creating soldiers to fight the pirates....
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Where To find Weeds

Weeds are not something you would ever really pay attention to, even in resource-driven games like this. It isn't until you get to the point where you need to start crafting bows for archers that you will hit this issue....
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How To Craft A Sledgehammer

As you begin to expand your war against the pirates across the map, you will eventually find yourself at an outpost where you have a pirate barracks. These structures will keep producing new pirates to attack you. Unless you destroy...
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Where to Get Rough Stone Block

Stone pieces that you get from using a pickaxe on a patch of stone will be the requirement for a huge amount of blueprints in Autonauts. It is most definitely an item worth setting up a builder for when it...
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How To Move Soldiers Around The Map

Having progressed far enough to build up a small army of grunts, it might be time to finally take on some pirates to earn 8-bit. For those who have spent time playing games like Age of Empires, you may find...