Gameplay Guides


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Best Places To Build Your C.A.M.P

The C.A.M.P In Fallout 76 is an expansion of the settlement system that we saw in Fallout 4. All players will have access to a C.A.M.P machine. Placing this on the ground will allow you to construct a small settlement...
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How To Server Hop In Fallout 76

The vast amount of guides and videos you will find for grinding XP, caps, crafting items and events in Fallout 76 will tell you that the best way to to it is to server hop. If you have Fallout 1st,...
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Neon Abyss Beginners Guide

The bright lights of the Neon Abyss are eye-catching. As soon as you get your hands on it, you are going to want to explore and start kicking ass. Roguelite games aren't rocket science, but there are a few caveats...
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Minecraft Castle Ideas

A Minecraft castle is the culmination of all of your design work when you get started. You have found a village, made it your own and now you need a castle to reign supreme over your little villager minions. What...
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Minecraft Steampunk House Ideas

Steampunk is a genre that takes modern ideas and technology and tries to recreate them using medieval technology. The result is a fairly quirky style that fits very well with the materials available in Minecraft. The road to creating a...
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Minecraft Pet House Ideas- Houses for Cats & Dogs

Ever since animal taming became part of Minecraft, people have made attachments to the animal in order to be able to call them pets. What do you do with your pet cat, dog or maybe even donkey at night, you...
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Minecraft Treehouse Ideas

Treehouses in Minecraft are some of the most enjoyable buildings to build. The sense of building a house that is alive is really exciting. The drawback is that they are quite tricky to build. Even the most experienced house builders...
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Minecraft Beach House Ideas

Beaches are a fairly natural occurrence in Minecraft. They can look a lot warmer and more cosy depending on the biome you are in. When you find the perfect spot with an amazing view, the first thing you will want...
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Minecraft Cabin Ideas

Building a cabin in Minecraft may not seem like the most exciting of constructions to get stuck into. This may have some merit, but in the right context, building a cabin can be a visually fitting dwelling to build if...
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Crossing the Tar Belt to Edge Knot City

For those who have played games from the Metal Gear franchise, you will be familiar with Kojimas style of puzzles. Everything will follow a pattern and then suddenly you are completely stumped. Everything you have done will no longer work...