Gameplay Guides


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Upgrading the Camp in Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game with a vast open world, filled with opportunities for exploration, adventure, and the development of your character, Arthur Morgan. One of the key aspects of the game is the camp, which serves as...
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How To Join The Dark Brotherhood In Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a game that has captivated millions of players around the world since its release in 2011. With its vast open world, immersive storylines, and countless quests, it's no surprise that Skyrim has sold over...
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How To Get Starhorses Favor

Starhorses Favor is a buff that is given to players during the Dares of Eternity game mode. There are a few conditions under which this buff can be applied and is a highly valuable buff to have during the harder...
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Crude Sythe Or A Crude Blade For Crops?

During the game's main tutorial, you will be shown how to use a blade to cut crops in order to harvest straw and grain seeds. Since wheat is going to be the primary source of gold for quite some time....
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Guide To Climbing In Forbidden West

If you are coming from games like Uncharted or even Breath of the Wild, the climbing mechanics in Horizon: Forbidden west may leave you a little puzzled. Not only does Aloy not have the same quality of life benefits that...
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Why Wont My Pokemon Obey Me?

Early on in the game, you will be struggling to work out the best possible party to use for combat. You may find that a new Pokemon you have added to the party is refusing to obey you. What is...
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How To Change Pokemon Moves

Going back as far as I can remember with Pokemon games, you have always been restricted to having four different attacks available to you at any one time. Historically, when a Pokemon learns a new move, you either have to...
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How To Break Out of The Red Jelly

After sliding down a steep cliff, you will find yourself stuck in a pit of red jelly. Gamora was able to jump to avoid it but the rest of you are sinking and things do not look good. Rocket is...
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Ghost of Tsushima Combat Tutorial

In the time away from the game, have you completely forgotten how to play this game? If so, you are not alone. Having spent time playing Skyward Sword, going back to Ghosts of Tsushima to play the Directors Cut version...
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Ac Valhalla You Must Be Anonymous

Assassins Creed Valhalla may not be the most stealth orientated game in the AC franchise but it is still a core component of the gameplay. There are certain circumstances where you must remain undiscovered or what the game refers to...