Gameplay Guides


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How To Avoid or Kill BT's

IF you are having trouble getting trough BT infested timefall, this guide will help you get through it in one piece and better, how to kill BT's. Before you read into this too much, there will be some minor spoilers....
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Carrying Pizza Boxes The Correct Way

If you are a little salty about the whole delivery boy side of this game, getting orders to deliver pizza can be a bit of a kick in the nuts. When you get your first pizza delivery order, yes there...
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How To Calm The BB Down When Stressed

During some intense scenes with lots of BTs, your BB will often get very upset and if the scene goes on for too long, the baby could get autotoxemia or something along those lines. It makes the BB pass out...
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When Infected Break Through Your Defenses

This will happen now and then, no matter how good your defenses are. Harpies can jump over walls and are very quick to run and infect buildings. Even with top notch defenses a harpy can break through and cause some...
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Surviving The First 10 Minutes

The first 10 minutes, or first 10 or so in game days are critical to winning a game of survival. If you do not prepare correctly, the first wave of zombies, as small as it might be, will take you...
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Beginners Tips For Building A Colony

If you are jumping into this game expecting to use all of your best Age of Empires and Dawn of War tactical knowledge, think again. This game will wipe the floor with your puny settlements with one single enemy. The...
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Division 2 Beginners Guide

The Division 2 is not the most complicated game ever made, but it does have a learning curve to it. It takes a few hours before you get the hang of things and by then you might have made a...