Destiny 2 Game Guides


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How To Unlock Sealed Chests On The Moon

If you have spent any amount of time exploring the Moon in Destiny 2, you are sure to have come across these odd-looking chests that have green runes on them and appear to be covered in barnacles. When you go...
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How To Get New Stasis Abilities, Grenades and Supers

Stasis was a new subclass introduced as part of the Beyond Light expansion. Stasis and shatter are two things you will frequently see in quest requirements and bounties. You will also notice many weapons that contain the stasis element type....
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How To Find Zavala's Office In The Tower

During the Witch Queen campaign in Destiny 2, you are going to get an objective where you will need to return to the Tower, a familiar location but Zavala's office..where the hell is this? You are not alone, most of...
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How to Destroy Shield Generators In Ketchcrash

During Ketchcrash, you will make your way through various different rooms on the ship that have their own obstacles and enemies. If you are looking to get some easy XP, you will be looking at the season quests which will...
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How To Get Arc Blind Kills

There are several quests and bounties that you might come across in Destiny 2 that are going to require that you blind enemies. One of the more notable is the Shortsighted quest that is part of Destiny 2 Season 18...
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Fastest Ways To Earn Easy XP

Experience points are something that you may not focus on too much in Destiny 2. Back in the early days, XP was an essential part of the game that was key to character progression before you transitioned onto light level....
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Where To Buy Bounties On Europa

Europa is the cold, frosty planet in Destiny 2. If you are looking to speed your way through your season pass, this is a great planet to visit for daily and weekly planet bounties as it has more than most...
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Where To Buy Bounties In The Cosmodrome

The cosmodrome, at the time of writing this at least, is where you will start out your adventure in Destiny 2 and for most, it is somewhere you are not going to spend a considerable amount of time outside grinding...
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How To Destroy Storage Tanks In Ether Storage

One of the rooms that you can end up in when playing Ketchcrash is the ether storage room. There will be some purple glowing tanks around the room that are immune to normal damage from guns. The objective requires that...
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Where To Buy Bounties On Nessus

Nessus is a tricky planet to navigate due to the caves, high mountains and small tunnels that link everything together. It can be hard to think of any central place that might have a vendor to purchase bounties from. Failsafe...