Dismantling gear is a critical mechanic in stopping your inventory from overflowing. Even if you are dumping lots of items into the vault, it will eventually become so full that you run out of space or worse, find it nearly impossible to find what you are looking for. The vault UI is pretty bad, even when you keep the items inside at a minimum.
In order to get rid of the stuff you do not need, and also get a nice little bonus of glimmer, maybe some shards and some gunsmith XP, you can dismantle weapons to get rid of them when you know you will never need them again. Here is what you need to do.
Getting Rid of Unwanted Gear In Destiny 2
Getting rid of unwanted gear is very simple. Hover the cursor over the item that you wish to dismantle or remove and you will see the button prompt at the bottom of the box to dismantle the item. Dismantle will destroy the item. It is a way to completely delete the item from your account with no way to recover it, so make sure you are deleting the right stuff to avoid any heartbreak.
How To Prevent Accidental Deletion of Items
Since there is no way to recover an item after you have deleted it, you will need to be very careful when you are doing a mass cleanup of your inventory. In order to prevent accidental deletion of items, it is possible to lock items. This means that if you hold down the button to dismantle, it will not actually destroy the item. You must first unlock it. It’s not completely foolproof but it’s a simple layer of protection to prevent the accidental deletion of gear.
The button will vary depending on what platform you are playing on, you will see the prompt at the bottom of the item box on the screen. It is the right analog stick on consoles. Press this to lock the item and you will not be able to delete it until you remove this lock.