Final Fantasy XV


Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

How do you catch the Crag Barramundi?
[Final Fantasy XV] - I have a quest that is asking me to catch a Craig Barramundi. I am standing on the pier of the lake where the quest says it should be, but I am not catching much. View Answer

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How To Trigger The Adamantoise Boss Battle (Giant Turtle)

How To Trigger The Adamantoise Boss Battle (Giant Turtle)

The scale of some of the battles in Final Fantasy XV have been quite the talking point since this game has released. One such battle…
Best Strategy To Get A Sturdy Helixhorn

Best Strategy To Get A Sturdy Helixhorn

A Sturdy Helixhorn is a crafting item that you can only obtain from a Duplicorn in Final Fantasy XV. The Helixhorn is used to upgrade…
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Final Fantasy XV Box Art

Final Fantasy XV

Play as Noctis, the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Lucis, as you seek to reclaim your homeland from the imperial army. With your closet friends along for the ride, you’ll travel through the breath-taking world of Eos encountering larger-than-life beasts and unforgiving enemies. Face thrilling combat as you learn to master your weaponry and magic skills by channeling the power of your ancestors.


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Games Like Final Fantasy XV: Embark on Epic RPG Journeys

Final Fantasy XV captured the hearts of players with its grandiose world, captivating characters, and immersive RPG gameplay. If you've delved into the realms of Eos as Noctis and his companions and are hungry for more epic RPG adventures, you're...
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How To Trigger The Adamantoise Boss Battle (Giant Turtle)

The scale of some of the battles in Final Fantasy XV have been quite the talking point since this game has released. One such battle is the Giant Turtle or the Adamantoise. This is literally, a mountain sized boss that...
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Best Strategy To Get A Sturdy Helixhorn

A Sturdy Helixhorn is a crafting item that you can only obtain from a Duplicorn in Final Fantasy XV. The Helixhorn is used to upgrade the engine blade to become the Ultima Blade, which is likely why you are reading...
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Adamantoise Battle Was Not Worth The Wait

I bought Final Fantasy XV back when it came out and stopped playing once I beat the story. My plan was to wait until the season pass went on sale and I would come back to play the DLC and...

Do You Lose EXP When You Die?


Is The Royal Edition of FFXV Worth Getting?


How do you call a Chocobo in FFXV?


How do you catch the Crag Barramundi?

I have a quest that is asking me to catch a Craig Barramundi. I am standing on the pier of the lake where the quest says it should be, but I am not catching much.

How To Use Potions During Combat?
