Does Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition Contain Season Pass DLC?


The Royal Edition of Final Fantasy is a good price right now. If i purchase this edition of the game, does it come with all of the DLC packs that are included as part of the season pass? I already own the main game and I was considering purchasing the Royal Edition upgrade if it contains all of the DLC.

Does Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition Contain Season Pass DLC
Final Fantasy XV

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1 Answer

SteveSickle89 -

As far as I know it does not contain the season pass. It is almost like a second season pass that invalidates the other. The royal edition adds new content to the game essentially making it DLC but it doesn’t fall under the season pass. 

Long story short, the royal edition is not included in the season pass. It does not include any of the DLC in the season pass. It is a separate piece of dlc that adds new stuff but not the original DLC packs.

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