Fallout 76


Required blood sample is not loaded in the centrifuge quest bug

I have out the blood into the centrifuge but I get the error Required blood sample is not loaded when I use terminal.

Motherlode quest, external connection system not responding?

I am stuck on the top floor for the motherlode quest. The terminal isnt doing anything when I interact with it even though the quest icon is pointing at it in fallout 76.

Can Fallout 76 Be Played Offline?

Is it possible to play Fallout 76 while offline or do you need to have an internet connection to play?

How Do You Buy Things From Purveyor Murmrgh?

How do you buy the items that Purveyor Murmrgh is selling?

Can't load holotape into relay tower?

I can't use the holotape on the relay tower for the hunter for hire quest line in fallout 76
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[Patched] Weapon & Armor Duplication Glitch July 2020

UPDATE: This exploit has been patched and no longer works. You should check out the infinite ammo factory glitch instead. Bethesda is quick to keep on top of duplication glitches in Fallout 76. The latest glitch is a super easy...
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[Patched] Infinite Ammo Display Case Glitch

Ammo, Stimpacks and other consumable items are something that everyone from level 1 to level 200 players are going to require. If you are running around with some automatic weapons, ammo is going to be something you have to constantly...
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Fallout Name Generator

Fallout games have always allowed the player to build a character from scratch. Whether you are someone who spends hours perfecting your face only to wear a helmet for the rest of the game or you just click random and...

Is the tricentennial edition worth buying?

Is it worth spending money on the tricentenial edition of Fallout 76?