Fallout 76


Can you move mods to another weapon?

Is it possible to transfer mods built for a weapon over to another weapon of the exact same type, just a higher level?

Do bobblehead benefits last forever?

Does the benefit from using a bobblehead in Fallout 76 last forever or is it a temporary buff?

Should I Kill Crane At The Wayward?

I am upstairs in the wayward with the scorched ghoul and need to decide if I should kill Crane or not. What is the best decision to make here?

How do you exit power armour?

How do you exit power armour in fallout 76? I am stuck inside and can't get out?

Wasted on Nukashine Riddle?

What is the solution to the riddle on the wasted in Nukashine quest in fallout 76

How do you find more wood?

How do i get more wood in Falliut 76? I have half built a tiny structure and have already run out of supplies for building any more. How do i get more wood for crafting?
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How To Server Hop In Fallout 76

The vast amount of guides and videos you will find for grinding XP, caps, crafting items and events in Fallout 76 will tell you that the best way to to it is to server hop. If you have Fallout 1st,...

Tattoo place, search for information about Nukashine?

How do you search for more information on Nukashine during the wasted on Nukashine quest at the tattoo parlor?

Can you move the survival tent for free?

Does it cost money to move the survival tent that comes as part of the Fallout 1st subscription?

How do you undo scrapping a weapon?

I accidentially scrapped my best weapon. Is there a way to undo this and get my weapon back?