How Do You Buy Things From Purveyor Murmrgh?


How do you buy the items that Purveyor Murmrgh is selling? The currency here is different to caps and I have not obtained any of it yet. Is this something you need to spend real money on?

How Do You Buy Things From Purveyor Murmrgh
Fallout 76

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1 Answer

Marvin Mason -

Purveyor Murmrgh sells legendary items. You will need a special legendary item currency to use it. To get this currency, you will need to sell legendary weapons. You can do this at any train station. Out the front, you will find a vending machine that allows you to sell any legendary items that you own. A legendary item can easily be identified by the star ratings that it has. Sell anything you do not want and you will earn the currency you need to be able to buy more items from Purveyor Murmrgh

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