Fallout 76


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Fallout 76

It's the end of the world as we know it! The end of the world is not all doom and gloom however. Fallout 76 is a unique experience in the Fallout franchise from Bethesda as it is the first game...

How do you turn off the Pip Boy light?

How do you disable to torch on the Pip-Boy. The green light is on and I don't know how you are supposed to turn it off?
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Into the Fire Quest Guide

You will pick up a quest at a fire station called into the fire. This quest will involve you having to take on a series of tests in order to test whether you are fit for the job. The quest...

What is pre war money used for?

What is the point of pre-war money in Fallout 76. It is found everywhere but since It can't be used to buy things, what is it used for?

Can't extract blood sample from feral ghoul?

How do you extract a blood sample from a feral ghoul. It does not seem to be working for me

Reset S.P.E.C.I.A.L Points??

Is there a way to set your characters special points in Fallout 76 to respec your character without starting again?

Overencumbered! Running will drain AP?? How To fix?

I have gotten the message Overencumbered! Running will drain AP. How do you make this go away? It is making me run slow.

Can you disable hunger and thirst?

Is there a way to disable the survival mechanics in Fallout 76 so that hunger and thirst are no longer an issue?

Strength in Numbers Quest Glitched

The Strength in Numbers quest in Fllout 76 seems to have glitched for me. Listening to the radio signal doesnt seem to work properly

Can you lower the games difficulty?

Is there a way to lower the game difficulty in Fallout 76 to make it easier?