Destiny 2


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How To Get Starhorses Favor

Starhorses Favor is a buff that is given to players during the Dares of Eternity game mode. There are a few conditions under which this buff can be applied and is a highly valuable buff to have during the harder...
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How To Dismantle Weapons

Dismantling gear is a critical mechanic in stopping your inventory from overflowing. Even if you are dumping lots of items into the vault, it will eventually become so full that you run out of space or worse, find it nearly...
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How To Quickly Increase Gunsmith Rank

Each season, your rank with various vendors is going to reset, giving you the chance to earn the rewards all over again. One of the more difficult vendors to reach the max level with is Banshee-44. Since there are no...

Players From D2 App Not Joining Fireteam?

Why do players I invite to my fireteam through the Destiny 2 app never join?

Spectral Page Not enough space??

When I try to pick up the spectral page item it says not enough space and I can't collect it
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How To Correctly Guess Door In Dares of Eternity

Dares of Eternity is a popular 6-player game mode introduced as part of the 30th Anniversary pack in Destiny 2. If you have spent any amount of time playing it, you will have found yourself wondering what the mystery is...
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Legend Lost Sector Farming Guide

Legendary lost sectors are an essential game mode in Destiny 2 as they allow you a way to grind exotic gear that may otherwise be inaccessible to you. On top of giving you access to exotic gear that may be...
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Cryptic Quatrains 3 Quest Guide

Cryptic Quatrains 3 is the last of the three treasure puzzles in Season of Plunder in Destiny 2. This quest works the same way that Cryptic Quatrains 1 and Cryptic Quatrains 2 did and you will need to have completed...
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The Drifter Numskull Figure Review

Score: 5.5/10
Having been incredibly impressed by the Doom Cacodemon figure from Doom Eternal, I had high hopes when picking up two Destiny 2 figures, also created by Numskull. Do they live up to the same level of quality? Check out the...
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Eris Morn Numskull Figure Review

Score: 8/10
Having been incredibly impressed by the Doom Cacodemon figure from Doom Eternal, I had high hopes when picking up two Destiny 2 figures, also created by Numskull. Do they live up to the same level of quality? Check out the...