Gaming Questions & Answers


Is there any point in building outposts in Starfield. What do they do and what is the point of them, it seems like they offer nothing to help you through the game.

Should i defend the lodge or go to the eye to rescue the people who are there in Starfield. Which option should I pick and what is the result of either?

How are you supposed to know what sort of things Sarah Morgan is into in Starfield, she seems to dislike everything I do?

How do you dispose of the dead bodies that are left on a ship after you hijack it in starfield?

Should I kill the scow captain Petrov after taking the artifact from him and taking him down. Is there a benefit to starting a war?

Is there a faster way to travel to the moon of Kreet in Starfield? It's taking forever to drive there?

Which is the best trait to pick in Starfield. Raised Enlightened or Raised Universal

Is there a name for the art style that is used in the opening sequence or the loading screens of GTA games?

How do I turn off Spotify song change notifications on PS5 during gaming? They're distracting!

What is the purpose of the travel medallion prototype that you find in the research lab at akkala. I found it but do not know what to do with it