MLS-4X Rocket Sentry

Rocket Sentry
[object Object]

The MLS-4X Rocket Sentry is a formidable strategem available to players in Helldivers 2, a cooperative, squad-based shooter game where players work together to complete objectives and combat enemy forces on various planets. As a part of a diverse arsenal, this sentry gun stands out due to its unique capabilities in dealing with both heavily armored opponents and clusters of lesser enemies. Its design focuses on delivering high-damage rockets with significant splash damage, making it an essential tool for controlling the battlefield and breaking enemy lines.

Deployed via a drop pod from orbit, the Rocket Sentry quickly becomes operational, scanning for targets within its range. Once an enemy is detected, it fires two rockets simultaneously, ensuring swift engagement. This dual-rocket system not only enhances its destructive capability but also increases the area of effect, allowing it to address multiple threats concurrently. However, its power comes with the caveat of backblast, a dangerous feature that can cause unintended collateral damage to teammates if not positioned wisely.

Usage and Strategy

In terms of strategic deployment, the A/MLS-4X Rocket Sentry necessitates careful consideration of positioning due to its backblast. Players must ensure that the sentry is placed in locations where its explosive discharge does not pose a risk to the team, ideally with open lines of sight and away from common troop movements. This placement allows the sentry to optimize its offensive capabilities while minimizing the chances of friendly fire incidents.

The Rocket Sentry shines in situations requiring heavy firepower and area denial. It is particularly effective against armored units that smaller arms cannot easily penetrate, as well as in holding choke points or defending objectives from waves of enemies. The splash damage ensures that even if a direct hit is not achieved, surrounding adversaries are still harmed, providing a margin for error and increasing the weapon’s overall efficiency in the chaos of battle.

Comparison with Auto Cannon Sentry

The choice between the A/MLS-4X Rocket Sentry and the Auto Cannon Sentry often boils down to personal preference and the specific demands of the mission at hand. While the Auto Cannon Sentry offers a higher rate of fire, making it superior against fast-moving or airborne targets, the Rocket Sentry’s ability to deal with heavily armored threats and groups of enemies with its splash damage makes it invaluable in certain scenarios.

The decision is influenced by factors such as the types of enemies anticipated, the terrain of the battlefield, and the composition of the team. For missions where heavily armored units are expected, or when needing to control large areas against numerous foes, the Rocket Sentry is often the preferred choice. Its ability to dispatch threats quickly and its area of effect damage can significantly tip the scales in favor of the Helldivers.


The A/MLS-4X Rocket Sentry is a testament to the ingenuity and firepower available to the forces of the Helldivers. Offering a blend of power and versatility, it is a valued strategem for teams looking to overcome the toughest of adversaries and maintain control of the battlefield. However, its effectiveness is contingent upon judicious use and strategic placement, underscoring the importance of tactical awareness and cooperation among team members. In the dynamic and perilous world of Helldivers 2, the Rocket Sentry stands as a beacon of strength, ready to deliver victory against overwhelming odds.

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