AC-8 Autocannon

AC-8 Autocannon

The AC-8 Autocannon Sentry, featured in the acclaimed Helldivers 2, represents a significant leap in battlefield technology, especially when dealing with armored adversaries. This turret comes equipped with an automatic reloading mechanism that ensures a continued offensive against enemies. Designed primarily to counter heavily armored threats, its deployment can shift the tide of battle by maintaining a high level of pressure on enemy forces.

The Autocannon Sentry fires two rounds that are comparable in power to those of the handheld AC-8 Autocannon, providing substantial support during engagements with armored units. This firepower is especially crucial when dealing with chargers or heavily armored vehicles, where traditional small arms fire might fall short.

Despite its formidable capabilities, the Autocannon Sentry requires thoughtful placement on the battlefield. Its slow turning speed demands strategic positioning to maximize its effective firing arc. Additionally, the turret does not discriminate between friend and foe, requiring teams to exercise caution and coordinate their movements to avoid friendly fire incidents.

Strategic Placement and Team Coordination

The strategic placement of the A/AC-8 Autocannon Sentry is paramount. Given its slow swivel speed, positioning it in narrow corridors or choke points where enemies are funneled can exploit its potential to the fullest. This placement ensures that the turret has a clear line of fire on advancing enemies, reducing the need for it to turn frequently.

Team coordination is another critical aspect when deploying the Autocannon Sentry. Squad members must be aware of the turret’s firing arc and remain clear of it to avoid accidental damage. Communicating its placement and anticipated turning areas can help in maneuvering around it, allowing the squad to support the turret’s operation without hindering its effectiveness.

Effectiveness Against Armored Foes

The Autocannon Sentry’s design makes it particularly effective against armored threats. Its powerful rounds can penetrate and damage some of the toughest armors encountered on the battlefield. The steady stream of fire from its automatic reloading feature ensures that pressure is continuously applied to enemy forces, making it an invaluable asset in protracted engagements.

The ability to handle multiple armored targets simultaneously or in quick succession allows the A/AC-8 Autocannon Sentry to provide substantial breathing room for the squad. Its effectiveness in pinching moments against heavily armored opponents cannot be overstated, often serving as a lifeline for squads overwhelmed by enemy advancements.


In conclusion, the A/AC-8 Autocannon Sentry is a critical element of strategic warfare in Helldivers 2. Its combination of raw power, continuous firepower, and utility against armored targets makes it a must-have for any squad facing diverse enemy compositions. However, its deployment requires careful consideration of positioning and team coordination to mitigate its drawbacks, such as its slow turning speed and risk of friendly fire. When used effectively, the Autocannon Sentry stands as a testament to strategic ingenuity on the battlefield.

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