PlayStation 5 Guides & Tutorials


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Mute Dualsense Microphone By Default

One of the cool features of the Dualsense controller is the built-in microphone that will allow you to communicate with others without the need for a dedicated headset. One problem with this is you often find players are sharing their...
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How to turn off HDCP on the PS5

There was a time when PlayStation gamers were plagued with issues relating to HDCP. This was back in the day before consoles had the ability to record gameplay. Today, most players can easily stream gameplay from the console without needing...
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PS Button Not Working PS5 Dualsense Controller

The Dualsense controller is the shiny new, next-gen controller with a whole heap of cool features. Sadly, one major weakness is that there is one single button to turn the controller on and if something happens, there is no way...
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PS5 NAT Type Bug

For those who are trying to get NAT type 1 on the PS5, you may find that it is impossible. There are a lot of people on Reddit who are reporting the same issue. Having done some testing with the...
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How To Copy PS5 Game Captures To USB

The PlayStation 5 has a robust game capture system, similar to what the PS4 had. The issue that a lot of people have is finding where it is! We have the capture button on the Dualsense, but where do you...
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How To Fix PS5 Remote Play Lag

Remote Play is a fairly old feature for PlayStation. It was introduced for the PS3 and would allow you to play games on your PSP. It sucked and since then the feature has been a bit of a background feature...
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How To Fix Voice Chat Lag On PS5

When you are in a party with friends, a small amount of delay between you talking and the other player receiving it can be massively frustrating. Unfortunately, it is a common problem and it is still a problem with the...
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How To View Trophy Collection On PS5

Since trophies exploded in popularity on the Playstation 3, they have become a major part of PlayStation Network. Trophies were front and centre of the menu on the PS4 but are oddly vacant from the main UI on the PlayStation...
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Fixing PS5 Failed NAT Type

We all hope for at least NAT type 2 and for those willing to go the extra mile, type 1. When you run a network test on your PS5 and it comes back to tell you that you have a...
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How To Get NAT Type 1 On PS5

Online gaming generally works well for most of the time. Sometimes you just get days where your network wants to get in the way of all your fun. The problem boils down to firewalls. This can block you from joining...