PlayStation 5 Guides & Tutorials


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Where To Find PS5 Capture Gallery

Back in the days of the PS4, the capture gallery sat comfortably on the home menu for you to use whenever you wish. All of your screenshots and videos were there to view or copy to another location. With the...
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PlayStation 5 Power Consumption

In terms of physical size, the PlayStation 5 is one of the biggest game consoles we have seen. Its unusual shape might hide this, but the system is pretty damn big! The system also packs a punch in terms of...
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PlayStation 5 Rest Mode Bug

Rest mode was a feature that was introduced in the PS4. It allowed you to essentially power the console down but it would not shut down any apps that are running. This would allow you to boot back up and...
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How To Change Date Of Birth On PSN

PSN has been around for a while now. For many people out there, you will have set up the account back when you were a kid. Parental restrictions exist on PSN to stop younger eyes from gaining access to content...