Video Game Guides


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Where to Find a Jay In Forbidden West

The elusive Jay! More than just a pretend bird from the Hunger Games movies, Jays are real-life birds too…although, based on how difficult they are to find in this game, you may be doubting their existence too. Jays are one...
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Tallneck: The Stand of The Sentinels

The Stand of the Sentinels Tallneck is one of the more challenging Tallnecks in the game. It is likely you will stumble your way down here a little sooner than you probably should and find yourself in a rather bitter...
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Where to Find Ducks In Forbidden West

Duck hunting sure has come a long way since the days of the NES. Hunting ducks in Horizon Forbidden West is the best looking version of it you are probably going to find. Ducks are a water-based bird that you...
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Favor Resolution or Performance In Forbidden West?

I think many of us had hoped that the PS5 would be the generation where 4k resolution with 60fps would become the new standard. Unfortunately, games are still released with a performance and fidelity mode where we must decide which...
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Where to Find Horned Lizards In Forbidden West

Horned Lizards, the animal with the best natural camouflage in the game. Hunting these guys can be tough due to how they almost look like they are part of the soil. Fortunately for you, they spook easily and when they...
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Where to Find Gulls In Forbidden West

Gulls are sea birds in Horizon Forbidden Wast that you can kill for supplies that are used in crafting. The birds mainly appear along the coastline, as you would expect. They are one of the faster-flying birds, which can make...
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Where to Find Crabs In Forbidden West

Crabs are the second crustacean that you will find on the beaches of Forbidden West after lobsters. They behave similarly in that they tend to crawl slowly along the beach sands and when spooked will burrow into the sand, preventing...
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Where to Find Lobsters In Forbidden West

Lobsters are very distinct and unique looking animals. This is no different in Forbidden West. Lobsters stand out when you are on a beach but due to their unique ability to burrow into the sand, they can often prove to...
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Where To Find Pelicans In Forbidden West

Pelicans are strikingly large sea birds that can be hunted in Horizon Forbidden West. They are very easy to find due to the fact that they stick out when they are roaming along the coast. Pelicans can only be found...
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Tips To Make Combat Easier In Forbidden West

Having honed your skills in Horizon: Zero Dawn, you may be expecting to jump right back in Aloys boots and start taking down Thunderjaws left and right. It won't take long to realize that the level of proficiency you once...