Video Game Blog


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Is It Time To Give Duke Nukem Another Try?

I would consider Duke Nukem to be a bit of a troubled franchise. It released back in a day when first-person shooters were in their infancy and it left a massive legacy. This legacy has done more harm than good...
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Flappy Goat, The Worst Gaming Experience I Have Ever Had

Over the weekend I bought Goat Simulator as it was on sale. Thought it might be a fun game to pick up and play now and then. The game itself was quite funny and I spent around 2 hours messing...
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What Are The Expectations For Elder Scrolls 6

Bethesda has revealed, through a short trailer, that they are working on a sixth entry to the Elder Scrolls franchise. Considering the success and popularity of Skyrim, we can expect people to start going nuts about this game as we...
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Sony Need To Update The PlayStation Trophy System

I have been spending time thinking back on all the trophy whoring I did over the years and how bad I actually got at some stages. When the trophy feature first launched for the PS3, it made the Xbox achievement...
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First Purveyor Murmrgh Visit Was a Let Down

Throughout my journey through Appalachia, I have been keeping my scrip in my savings account, waiting until I hit level 50 to splurge on some legendary gear. Yesterday, I finally hit level 50 and was able to take my fairly...
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Should Sony Imitate The Nintendo Switch

Sony is a fantastic company when it comes to the development of game consoles and video games. However, It must be acknowledged that they have a strong record of taking ideas from Nintendo, particularly when it comes to controllers. There...
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The Future Of Playstation Needs Backwards Compatibility To Succeed

Microsoft has been putting a huge amount of effort into backwards compatibility and to me, this is brilliant! Sony, on the other hand, has a pretty poor track record when it comes to backwards compatibility. Although we have yet to...
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What About A Resistance Fall of Man Trilogy?

The PS3 didn't launch with a fantastic set of games. For most who bought it, Resistance: Fall of Man was about the only game worth buying at the time and even at that, it probably wasn't much of a system...
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The PSVR Is Doing More Damage To VR Than Good

I picked up a PSVR just before Christmas and over the past few weeks I have played a lot of the best VR games that have been released for it. Overall I have been enjoying the experience of VR, but...
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How I Fell In And Out Of Love With Pokemon Games

Last Christmas I got my first ever Pokemon game for a Nintendo handheld. It seems odd to me that I took this long considering my love for video games, but I could never afford multiple gaming systems when I was...