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Why No Fallout Shelter For Vita?

Sony have not been the biggest fan of the Vita over the past few years. The shunned successor to the PSP, is dead in the eyes of its creator for quite some time. Despite how Sony feel about the device,...
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Is It Time To Give Duke Nukem Another Try?

I would consider Duke Nukem to be a bit of a troubled franchise. It released back in a day when first-person shooters were in their infancy and it left a massive legacy. This legacy has done more harm than good...
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Is Age Of Empires Definitive Edition Worth Being Excited Over?

In video game years, the original Age of Empires game which was released in 1997, is pretty much a dinosaur. I have vague memories of playing it as a kid, but by the time I had seriously got into gaming,...
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What Are The Expectations For Elder Scrolls 6

Bethesda has revealed, through a short trailer, that they are working on a sixth entry to the Elder Scrolls franchise. Considering the success and popularity of Skyrim, we can expect people to start going nuts about this game as we...
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The Lack Of A Playstation Store Wishlist Is Getting Annoying

I tend to check the PlayStation Store on my PS4 every week or so to see if there are any new deals. It is great to see Sony adopting a Steam style strategy to the selling of digital games. However...
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What's With All The Milk Vending Machines In Fallout 4

Bit of a pointless topic, but I couldn't help but wonder what the significance is behind all the milk vending machines in Fallout 4. I don't remember these featuring in past games and they seem to serve no purpose at...
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Should Sony Imitate The Nintendo Switch

Sony is a fantastic company when it comes to the development of game consoles and video games. However, It must be acknowledged that they have a strong record of taking ideas from Nintendo, particularly when it comes to controllers. There...
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First Impressions of PS4 Remote Play With InFamous Second Son

I wasn't sure what to make of Remote Play since I had used it with the PS3/PSP and it was the absolutely terrible, so I went into playing this with a very negative frame of mind. I decided to check...
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Playstations Trophy Rarity System Is Pointless

I was recently looking through the trophies for a game and thought that the rarity indicators seemed a bit weird. First of all I think the titles alone are a bit weird. Something that 25% of people have is definitely...
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Reasons Why 1080p is Important For Gaming

The last generation of games consoles (ps3/xbox360) often had games that were rendered in 1080p but it was difficult to ever really see the difference between 720p and 1080p. This was due to the hardware limitations of the systems. The...