Technology in Gaming

Technology has become a huge part of the video game industry. Gone are the days of having a simple controller that connects to your gaming system. Gaming now has support for a huge number of possible tech that can be used to enhance video games. The likes of Nintendo have been pushing new technology very heavily with their consoles. Motion controls, touch screens and most recently a hybrid console. This section covers technology in the gaming industry.


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR Box Art

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR

A true, full-length open-world game for VR has arrived. Skyrim VR reimagines the complete epic fantasy masterpiece with an unparalleled sense of scale, depth, and immersion. From battling ancient dragons to exploring rugged mountains and more, Skyrim VR brings to life a complete open world for you to experience any way you choose. Skyrim VR includes the critically-acclaimed core game and official add-ons – Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn.


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How Have Space Marines Lost Access To Recreate Their Advanced Technology?

The loss of ancient technical knowledge among the Space Marines and the wider Imperium is primarily due to a combination of catastrophic historical events, a highly restrictive technological culture, and the specific doctrines of the Adeptus Mechanicus, who control and...
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AI Name Generator

Welcome to the fascinating world of AI-generated names! In an age where artificial intelligence continues to revolutionize various aspects of our lives, finding the perfect name for your project can be challenging. Our AI Name Generator utilizes the power of...
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Which VR Headset To Buy - The Best VR Headset

Virtual Reality is the latest trend in gaming and is more than likely going to become one of the next biggest things in technology. At the moment the virtual reality market is split up into 4 main devices with each...
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The Difference Between VR and AR

Acronyms are confusing at the best of times. When it comes to emerging gaming tech, AR and VR are two that most people hear a lot. They both end in Reality, that must mean something right? They are both similar...
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6 reasons to use VPN for gaming

Gaming Posts
If you strive for the best performance in gaming, you’ve probably already taken care of display, sound system, graphics card and a powerful computer. In case you’re wondering if there is anything else you can do to improve your gaming...
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The PSVR Is Doing More Damage To VR Than Good

I picked up a PSVR just before Christmas and over the past few weeks I have played a lot of the best VR games that have been released for it. Overall I have been enjoying the experience of VR, but...
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The Future Of Playstation Needs Backwards Compatibility To Succeed

Microsoft has been putting a huge amount of effort into backwards compatibility and to me, this is brilliant! Sony, on the other hand, has a pretty poor track record when it comes to backwards compatibility. Although we have yet to...
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Power Consumption of The Nintendo Switch

Gaming Posts
I was recently wondering how the Nintendo Switch can manage to play games so well on the go. How is the battery even able to last as long as it does. Since my last post on measuring the power consumption...
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Could The Next Xbox Be A Windows Steam Box?

Over the past few months, Microsoft have been taking a lot of steps to try and push their PC gaming store as a direct competition to Valves Steam platform. This move has angered some gamers and is quite an unusual, but not...
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5 Ways Microsofts Hololens Could Be Used At Home

Microsoft's Hololens has a lot of hype behind it. The brief Minecraft clips have everyone excited about how we can use this for gaming, but what about other cool uses for the Hololens outside of videogames? Here are someways the...