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Prevent Animals From Dying In Breeders

Breeding animals is a rather wacky system in Craftopia. While we do not expect the animals to go jumping on each other to make babies, it is rather unexpected to see a machine that ends up smashing the animals together...
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Make Over 5000G Using Water

As part of the Rookie Merchant mission in Craftopia, you will come across a quest that required you to "Make over 5000G using water". By the time you obtain your first glass of water, you will begin to understand that...
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Automated Water Farm Using Wells

After you have wasted a minute of your life gathering buckets of water from the ocean, you will end up finding out that the water well is a far easier way to obtain water. When it comes to automating the...
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Craftopia World Name Generator

Craftopia gives users a completely blank slate to come up with an entirely new world of their own. Once you have set up your character you will need to set up a new world before you can set out on...
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Guide To Connecting Structures Together For Automation

Connectors are a major part of creating automated resource collection in Craftopia. Since various structures are used to generate different items, chaining them together can allow you to create a fully automated assembly line to produce a refined resource without...
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Fully Automated Stone Farm

Automating the collection of stone is something that you should aim to do very quickly. Since you are going to need to build lots of structures to help with the automation of farming and many other areas automated resource gathering...
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Fully Automated Iron Farm

Gathering resources in Craftopia is a critical part of progressing through the ages. When it comes to ore, you might think this is difficult to automate since the rocks that contain iron are destroyed when you hit them a few...
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Fully Automated Wood Gathering

One of the most enjoyable parts of Craftopia is automating the collection of resources. Wood is one of the most basic resources and is likely the first resource that most people will obtain when they start playing this game. Since...
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Fully Automated Steel Farm

Steel is created by smelting iron. Since we already know it is super easy to build an automated iron farm in Craftopia, we will only need to add a few extra steps onto the normal structure of an Iron farm...
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Automate Mining From Bedrock

Mining ore and other resources that are found within rocks is a fairly trivial task at first. For those who have played Minecraft, it will be quite simple. Grab a pickaxe and use it to destroy ore that is found...