Destiny 2 Questions & Answers


What are you supposed to do with Data Key incomplete. How do you make it complete?

There is a barrier over the locate Spiders Ketch objective marker

Running Multiple Warlocks in Destiny 2

No matter how quickly we are during the nightfall strike there is never enough time. We have tried a few of the strikes now and every time it seems like the timer is way too strict to ever come close to getting it done. Is there a way to get more time during the strikes? […]

I’ve picked up 2 of these spinfoil hats from the treasure maps I bought of cayde 6. It says something about caydes odds and ends but I got no quests for picking it up. What is the Spinfoil hat used for?

When I look at the map for any of the planets I can only ever do the orange colored quests and the public events. I checked all of them and I can’t find any that are marked as strike missions. I have heard a lot about these and want to be able to do them. […]

I completed a heroic public event and in the chest, at the end, I got a legendary engram. It says that it is worth a lot in power levels, but It isn’t something that I am able to equip. What am I meant to do with this? What do you do with a legendary engram?…or […]

I preordered the game and entered the code that came inside the game box for the coldheart weapon. It redeemed sucessfully, but when I load up the game, the weapon is not in my inventory. How do i get the gun? Is there a quest for it or something?

On a few occasions I have come across a hover bike (usually on fire) when roaming around the map. I can drive them and they are really cool. I thought they were just part of the game, but then I saw 2 guys equip a bike out of nowhere and drive off. How do they […]

I saw a tip in the game that says you can get some nice bonuses and in game perks for joining a clan. I would like to just create my own clan since I don’t have any invites to existing ones. I have looked around the clan menu and I dont see any options that […]