What do you do with Data Key incomplete?


I found a weird terminal on Europa and when I interacted with it, I got a status thing that said “Data Key Incomplete”. What are you supposed to do with this? It expires and there is a second countdown next to it so I am guessing I need to get somewhere fast enough to be able to make use of this or to make it complete. I don’t know what I should be looking for though.

What do you do with Data Key incomplete
Destiny 2

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1 Answer

LeonDB40 -

The incomplete data key must be combined with two other pieces to form a data key that is used to unlock a chest. Depending on which terminal you found, you may see the chest nearby that requires a Data Key Short Term in under to unlock. Gathering the three incomplete pieces before they expire will give you the short-term key. The video below will show you where to get all of the pieces. 


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