How do you get the reward for finding the fairies in the Ant Caves?


The fairy at the start told me I would get a reward for finding all of his friends in the ant Caves. I found them all and killed the queen but I got no reward for it? I wasn’t able to back track to the fairies and wasn’t able to meet him after completing the level. How am I meant to get my reward?

How do you get the reward for finding the fairies in the Ant Caves

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1 Answer

LeonDB40 -

The reward comes during the cut scene at the end of the level. Once you defeat the queen, if you have found all of the fireflies, the original pink guy will come back and talk to you and the reward will be the levels chalice. Not the reward you might have been expecting but that’s what it is. You have to make sure to watch the cut scene for it to work.

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