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Astroneer - Glacio

Glacio is a planet in Astroneer. It is an ice planet and is one of the more difficult ones to survive on due to the more harsh terrain and more limited supplies. The landscape is icy and cold with minimal...
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Astroneer - Novus

Novis is a moon in Astroneer that rotates around Vesania. While the planet is classified as being an exotic moon, it does not share many similarities with the exotic planet that it orbits. Novus is quite rocky and rough but...
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Astroneer - Vesania

Vesania is an exotic planet in Astroneer. The landscape feels like a 1960s vision of space with strange and unusual flora and fauna. The terrain is quite difficult to navigate with lots of steep rock edges and pits. Even with...
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Astroneer - Calidor

Calidor is a desert planet in Astroneer. The difficulty level on this planet is slightly higher than Sylca. It has a longer day-night cycle which will require you to make good use of batteries to power the base during the...
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Astroneer - Desolo

Desolo is the first journey you are likely to make in a rocket in Astroneer. It is the moon of Sylva and is a fairly easy one to explore. It is a barren moon, much like Earths moon.  It is...
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Astroneer - Sylva

Sylva is the starting planet in Astroneer. All new games will result in the player landing on this planet. Sylva is a fairly calm and hazard free planet. There are a few dangerous plants like popcoral, but these plants won't...
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Astroneer Resource Guide

Crafting and resource gathering is a core part of the Astroneer adventure. There are over 40 components that will come up as part of the crafting/printing process in the game. Figuring out where to find all of these components can...
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Astroneer - Composite Resources Wiki

Composite resources are a category of resources in Astroneer that are a combination of other elements and resources, natural, refined, gas or even created from multiple other composite resources. All composite resources are made from two main ingredients with an...
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Astroneer - Nanocarbon Alloy

Nanocarbon alloy is a composite resource in Astroneer. This one is the big daddy of crafting in this game. It requires 3 ingredients, all of which require a good bit of resources and effort to craft in the first place....
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Astroneer - Titanium Alloy

Titanium Allow is a composite resource in Astroneer. This is one of those resources that will put you in a bit of a huff. You have gone to the effort of hunting down titanium and smelted only to find that...
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Astroneer - Steel

Steel is a composite resource in Astroneer. In order to create steel in real life, you need to use Iron with carbon. The process is the same in this game. In order to create it you will need to have...
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Astroneer - Explosive Powder

Explosive powder is a composite resource in Astroneer. It is a resource that may be overlooked due to it only being used to create TNT and fireworks. The terrain tool with a good drill mod can eat through the hardest...
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Astroneer - Silicone

Silicone is a composite resource in Astroneer. It looks like an emerald version of resin. It is used for quite a few things in this game, no cosmetic surgery, unfortunately. How Do You Get Silicone? In order to obtain silicone,...
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Astroneer - Hydrazine

Hydrazine is a composite resource in Astroneer. It is likely going to be one of the first resources you need to craft in a chemistry lab that will require you to use gas, in this case, Hydrogen. If you already...
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Astroneer - Diamond

Diamond is a composite resource in Astroneer. Diamond is a resource that is unsurprisingly used in the crafting of the final tier of drill bits. This a common use for diamond in the real world. It is one of the...
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Astroneer - Graphene

Graphine is a composite resource in Astroneer. It is one of the first resources you will come across that has a complicated crafting process. Not only are you required to have a chemistry lab but you will need to craft...
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Astroneer - Tungsten Carbide

Tungsten carbide is a composite resource in Astroneer. Having spent some time wondering how to get tungsten in the first place and then going to the effort of travelling to another planet to obtain it, you will find there is...
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Astroneer - Rubber

Rubber is a composite resource in Astroneer. As far as these resources go, rubber is one of the nicer resources in that it does not require any complicated ingredients that are difficult to obtain. In fact, it requires 2 of...
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Astroneer - Aluminum Alloy

Aluminium Alloy is a composite resource in Astroneer. It is a combination of two common resources in the game, copper and, can you guess what other metal? Aluminium! The word alloy is generally used for metals that are made up...
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Astroneer - Plastic

Plastic is a composite resource In Astroneer. For most players, the yellow resin you spot growing out of the ground will appear to be plastic. Weirdly enough, it is not an ingredient that is used when creating plastic in this...
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Astroneer - Atmospheric Resources Wiki

Gas is a resource category in Astroneer. Gas is a critical part in the construction of composite resources. In order to capture gas, you will need to construct an Atmospheric Condenser. This structure will allow you to capture gas that...
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Astroneer - Nitrogen

Nitrogen is an atmospheric resource in Astroneer. Nitrogen is a common gas found in planets that support life. This makes it a common resource on Sylva. It can be found on other planets, however. How Do You Get Nitrogen? In...
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Astroneer - Helium

Helium is an atmospheric gas in Astroneer. It is used as a crafting component at the chemistry station to create compound resources. Helium can only be found on Atrox and no other planets. There aren't many uses for gasses in...
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Astroneer - Hydrogen

Hydrogen gas is an atmospheric resource in Astroneer. Despite hydrogen being a common fuel and having several uses in the real world, its use in this game is quite limited. Like all other gasses, only being used for a single...
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Astroneer - Argon

Argon is an Atmospheric resource in Astroneer. A gas that is known for its attractive colour in real life, you will not be able to create any cool coloured items when you harvest the gas. It can be found on...