Best Mass Effect Sidekick

Immerse yourself in the detailed universe of the Mass Effect series through our character exploration guide. Each character in this illustrious game series brings a unique charm, an intriguing backstory, and distinctive character development that adds to the overall richness of your gaming experience. Our guide presents a closer look at these captivating characters that have etched their names in the hearts of fans worldwide.

Starting from Garrus Vakarian, the Turian C-Sec officer known for his wit, loyalty, and sense of humor, to EDI, the artificial intelligence that evolves from a ship’s computer to a valuable team member – each character tells a captivating story. Whether it’s Tali’Zorah Nar Rayya’s intelligence and loyalty, Mordin Solus’s quirky brilliance, or Jack’s resilient exterior and hidden vulnerability, you’ll witness a tapestry of intricate personalities. Our exploration doesn’t just stop there – we take you through the fascinating character arcs of Urdnot Wrex, Thane Krios, Legion, and the mischievous Kasumi Goto, unraveling their unique traits and how they contribute to the vibrant narrative of the Mass Effect series.

Mordin Solus


Mordin is a Salarian scientist who is brilliant, hilarious, and at times, morally ambiguous. He's also known for his unique speech patterns and his tendency to sing while working.

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EDI is an artificial intelligence that starts off as a ship's computer before eventually becoming a squadmate in Mass Effect 3. Her development as a character and her unique perspective as an AI make her a fan favorite.

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Kasumi Goto


Kasumi is a human thief who is sassy, skilled, and has a bit of a mischievous streak. Her loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2 is one of the best in the series, and she's a joy to have on the team.

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Liara T'Soni


Liara is an Asari scientist who is both intelligent and compassionate. She becomes a close friend and possible love interest for Shepard throughout the series.

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Thane Krios


Thane is a Drell assassin who is complex, introspective, and poetic. He becomes a close confidant for Shepard and his story arc is one of the most emotional in the series.

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Garrus Vakarian


Garrus is a Turian and a former C-Sec officer who becomes one of Commander Shepard's most trusted companions throughout the series. He's known for his wit, loyalty, and sense of humor, and his character development throughout the series is one of the most satisfying to witness.

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Legion is a Geth platform who is initially seen as a threat, but eventually becomes a valuable ally to Shepard. His unique perspective and existential questions about his own identity make him one of the most interesting characters in the series.

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Jack is a human biotic with a tragic backstory and a tough exterior. Her vulnerability and eventual growth make her one of the most compelling characters in the series.

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Tali'Zorah nar Rayya


Tali is a Quarian engineer who accompanies Shepard on their journey. She is a fan favorite due to her intelligence, resourcefulness, and her loyalty to Shepard.

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Urdnot Wrex


Wrex is a Krogan mercenary who is tough, stubborn, and fiercely loyal to his people. His character arc throughout the series is one of the most compelling, as he becomes a leader and advocate for the Krogan race.

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