What are claim tokens used for?

What are claim tokens used for? I have a bunch of them taking up space in my inventory and I dont know what to do with them

Can other players steal bobbleheads from your CAMP?

If i put bobbleheads on a stand at my CAMP, will other players be able to come to my house and steal them?

Will a new legendary run season reset my progress?

Does a new season for the legendary run mean my progress so far gets wiped?
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How To Fast Travel Efficiently

Fast travel has always been a part of Fallout games. The long trek across the map can be avoided by simply opening the map, selecting the point you want go to and you will essentially teleport. The feature, while useful,...
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Best Places To Build Your C.A.M.P

The C.A.M.P In Fallout 76 is an expansion of the settlement system that we saw in Fallout 4. All players will have access to a C.A.M.P machine. Placing this on the ground will allow you to construct a small settlement...
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Vault 79 - Side With Foundation Or Crater?

Vault 79 plays a large part in the main story of Fallout 76. The great heist where you must seek the help of other factions in the wasteland to help you break into the vault in an attempt to restore...

An Organic Solution Finding Bonemeal?

Where do you find the bonemeal for the an organic solution quest in fallout 76?

Do workshops stay owned on private servers?

Do the current workshops that are captured get saved on private servers so that the next time you log in everything is the way it was and I can resume playing?

Meet Jen at the laser grid glitched, help!

I am stuck in vault 79 with the quest objective meet Jen at the laser grid. It won't update that I am there.
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First Purveyor Murmrgh Visit Was a Let Down

Throughout my journey through Appalachia, I have been keeping my scrip in my savings account, waiting until I hit level 50 to splurge on some legendary gear. Yesterday, I finally hit level 50 and was able to take my fairly...