Beginner's Guide to Choosing a Class in Gothic

Beginner's Guide to Choosing a Class in Gothic

So, you’re diving into the world of Gothic and can’t wait to embark on your adventure. One of the first decisions you’ll need to make as a new player is choosing a class. Luckily, This guide is here to help you weigh your options and make an informed decision. Let’s break down the three classes in Gothic: Warrior, Mage, and Ranger.

The Warrior Class

Playing as a Warrior in Gothic offers the “safest” way to achieve glory in the game. As a warrior, you’ll specialize in using close-range weapons like axes, swords, or clubs to deal deadly blows to your enemies. To start, it’s crucial to prioritize your skill points in strength. This attribute will enhance your melee weapon damage and overall combat prowess.

When it comes to mastering melee weapons, both one-handed (1h) and two-handed (2h), don’t be afraid to invest a significant number of skill points. While these skills may cost a lot of points, they are worth it in the long run. You’ll eventually accumulate enough points to maximize everything you need, so embrace the learning process.

While dexterity is not essential for close-range combat, it can come in handy for taking out tough monsters from a distance with bows or crossbows. However, your primary focus as a warrior should be on close combat.

Pro tip: Make sure to check out the hints section for a great tip on quickly acquiring a decent bow in the game. Additionally, equip yourself with the best strength bonus rings and necklace you can find for added power.

The Mage Class

Choosing to be a Mage in Gothic provides a more challenging path in the beginning, but the rewards are well worth it. While warriors may find their constant hit-hit-hit rhythm a bit repetitive, mages have the opportunity to learn an array of fun spells and experiment with combining them for even greater power. You’ll need to discover the weaknesses of various monsters by trying out different types of spells against them.

However, there’s one slight problem as a mage: you won’t have access to magic right away. This means you’ll still need to be able to kill monsters, at least by using a bow. So, it’s important to save as many skill points as you can until you unlock your mage abilities.

Ideally, you should aim to save around 70 skill points just for the mage levels, not including the mana needed to cast spells. To make your journey a bit easier, there are two weapons you can rely on that won’t require investing too many points in strength or dexterity. Check out the hints section for a tip on quickly obtaining a decent bow. If you want a shortcut to a superb melee weapon, read up on the Art of Magic section.

For protection, make sure to equip yourself with the best bonus rings and necklaces that provide defense. And here’s an important tip: do not join the Sect Camp. Instead, I recommend joining the Old Camp, as it’s the fastest way to become a mage and gives you the opportunity to ascend to the rank of a master sorcerer.

Just like the warrior class, you’ll need to carry a bow to solve a plot-critical quest. Additionally, there are transformation scrolls in the game that cannot be bought as runes. These scrolls are incredibly useful, allowing you to explore otherwise inaccessible areas or even breathe underwater.

The Ranger Class

Now, let’s talk about the Ranger class in Gothic. Playing as a Ranger allows you to take out monsters quickly and from a safe distance. Your trusty bow will be your main tool for targeting multiple foes, while a crossbow provides more damage against single targets. To start your ranger journey, the first thing you need to do is acquire the essential bow mentioned in the hints section.

As a Ranger, your main focus should be on dexterity. Invest all the skill points you earn into this attribute to enhance your accuracy and effectiveness with bows and crossbows. Additionally, equip yourself with the best dexterity bonus rings and necklace you can find to further boost your ranged abilities.

It’s important to note that the crossbow is slower but deals more damage. You’ll need both a bow and a crossbow, but don’t worry because, in just 16 levels, you can become a supreme master of both! Once you’ve achieved mastery, you can freely spend the remaining levels on any other skills you fancy.

However, there are a couple of things to consider if you choose the ranger path. Unlike the other classes, you won’t be able to “beat up” other characters to steal their belongings. If you want to become a skilled thief, you’ll need to learn to pickpocket yourself.

There’s also a small disclaimer when it comes to playing as a ranger. While the game doesn’t fully support this class, there are only two specific monsters that might pose a challenge for you. These monsters require alternate methods of defeat that cannot be accomplished solely with a bow. However, these encounters make up a small portion of the game, so don’t hesitate to choose the ranger path if that’s what you desire.

Pro tip: Don’t forget to utilize the transformation scrolls available to rangers as well. These scrolls can grant you unique abilities, allowing you to explore otherwise inaccessible areas or breathe underwater.

With this breakdown of the three classes in Gothic, you should have a better understanding of each class’s strengths and weaknesses. Consider your playstyle and preferences when making your choice, but remember, there’s always room to explore different playstyles in future playthroughs. Whether you become a mighty warrior, a versatile mage, or a skilled ranger, enjoy your journey through the intricate world of Gothic!

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