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Missing 2 entries from the Book of Gallowmere
[MediEvil] - I am missing two entries from the book of Gallowmere. I have all chalices and the game is complete View Answer

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Beginner's Guide to Choosing a Class in Gothic

Beginner's Guide to Choosing a Class in Gothic

So, you're diving into the world of Gothic and can't wait to embark on your adventure. One of the first decisions you'll need to make…
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MediEvil Box Art


Re-live the original adventure on PlayStation 4. The beloved fan-favorite has been completely remade from the grave up, blending classic gameplay with stunning visuals, all in eye-popping native 4K!
Gothic Box Art


Gothic is a single-player action role-playing video game for Windows developed by the German company Piranha Bytes. It was first released in Germany on March 15, 2001, followed by the English North American release eight months later on November 23, 2001, and the Polish release on March 28, 2002. Gothic has been well received by critics, scoring an average of 80% and 81/100 on Game Rankings' and Metacritic's aggregates, respectively.…


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Most Horrifying Video Game Enemies

Stepping into the eerie realms of horror video games often plunges us into heart-thumping adrenaline rushes, a blend of thrill and terror that keeps us on the edge of our seats. Among the elements that constitute these spine-chilling virtual experiences,...
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Beginner's Guide to Choosing a Class in Gothic

So, you're diving into the world of Gothic and can't wait to embark on your adventure. One of the first decisions you'll need to make as a new player is choosing a class. Luckily, This guide is here to help...

Missing 2 entries from the Book of Gallowmere

I am missing two entries from the book of Gallowmere. I have all chalices and the game is complete