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Is there a way to protect my cow from other players
[Fallout 76] - Is there a way to protect my cow from being killed by other players in the wasteland? View Answer

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Destiny 2 Box Art

Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is the highly successful follow-up to Destiny, created by Bungie. Join up with friends to take on hordes of enemies across various planets in this AAA coop first-person shooter.
World of Warcraft Box Art

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) set in the Warcraft universe. Players assume the roles of Warcraft heroes as they explore, adventure, and quest across a vast world. Being "Massively Multiplayer," World of Warcraft allows thousands of players to interact within the same world. Whether adventuring together or fighting against each other in epic battles, players will form friendships, forge alliances, and compete with enemies…
Fallout 76 Box Art

Fallout 76

It's the end of the world as we know it! The end of the world is not all doom and gloom however. Fallout 76 is a unique experience in the Fallout franchise from Bethesda as it is the first game that is focussed in providing an online experience. Fallout 76 is more like an MMO RPG, just not quite as massive in terms of players in a single map. Fallout…


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Difference Between PvE and PvP in Destiny 2

Gaming Posts
If you have spent any amount of time looking over Destiny 2 game guides, you will often notice references to PvE and PvP when it comes to game modes and activities. If you are new to online gaming or have...
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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is the highly successful follow-up to Destiny, created by Bungie. Join up with friends to take on hordes of enemies across various planets in this AAA coop first-person shooter.

Is there a way to protect my cow from other players

Is there a way to protect my cow from being killed by other players in the wasteland?

What does Pvp mean?
