Monster Harvest


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Calming Cove or Glowing Glade?

During your exploration of Planimal Point, you are sure to find the two piles of rubble on either side of the town. It costs a fairly hefty $1500 to clear the rubble to calming cove or glowing glade which will...
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Guide To Mounts

The map in Monster Harvest is not the biggest map in a video game but since you will have to do a lot of walking back and forth, it would be nice if there was a way to speed this...

How do you stop an enemy striking first?

Is there a way to strike first in combat in monster harvest? Enemies always get the first attack when in the dungeon in this game.

What do you do after the slime queen?

What are you meant to do after you finish the main quest relating to the slime queen in monster harvest? Where do you go after?
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What Does The Bunker Do?

As you are clearing all of the rocks and trees that are getting in the way of your farm expansion, you will stumble upon a structure at the bottom left corner of your farm. From the outside, it looks like...
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Monster Harvest

Monster Harvest is a monster collecting and farming action RPG with a twist! With the addition of a mysterious slime substance, you can bring your crops to life and take them into combat. Build the ultimate farm to earn money...

How To Select One Item From A Stack?

When you have a stack of items with multiple in the stack, how do you select a single item or a sub set of this stack?

What do the glowing pipes do?

What do all of these glowing pipes around the town do?

What Happens When You Chop Down All The Trees?

What happens when you have chopped down all of the trees that are growing on the island?

Can Planimals Die Battling in the Rec Center?

If I battle with other villagers at the rec center, will my planimals die in combat?