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Reaping Machine Not Cutting Crops

Automating farming tasks is an important part of Craftopia. Machines exist to make the farming of things like wheat, which will be required in large quantities to create biofuel. The sprinkler will ensure crops are watered but what about cutting...
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100% Automated Wheat Flour Farm

Growing wheat is one of the more boring elements of Craftopa. Getting water, gathering wheat, putting it into the cooking pot. It is all very slow and tedious for a fairly low yield of output. Thankfully, the games automation tools...
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Monster Harvest Review

Score: 5.5/10
Monster Harvest tries to blend a charming, carefree farming sim with a Pokemon-style combat system. A tall order for any game to try and achieve success. Can these ingredients be combined with some 8-bit frosting to produce an enjoyable game?...
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How To Increase Stamina

It doesn't take long for you to realise that stamina is a rather frustrating limitation of Monster Harvest. It is going to limit almost every element of gameplay and earning money. Everything from picking flowers to catching fish drain an...
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Easy Ways To Make Money In Monster Harvest

After playing this game for a few hours, one thing became quite clear to me. The $15,000 building upgrades and expansions were going to be a VERY long way away for me to have enough money to purchase them. After...
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Complete Guide To Fishing

Fishing is a mini game available in Monster Harvest that allows you to catch fish as a useful source of income. Once you have a fishing rod, you can simply approach body of water and cast your line in to...
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What Does The Bunker Do?

As you are clearing all of the rocks and trees that are getting in the way of your farm expansion, you will stumble upon a structure at the bottom left corner of your farm. From the outside, it looks like...
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Monster Harvest

Monster Harvest is a monster collecting and farming action RPG with a twist! With the addition of a mysterious slime substance, you can bring your crops to life and take them into combat. Build the ultimate farm to earn money...

What Happens When You Chop Down All The Trees?

What happens when you have chopped down all of the trees that are growing on the island?
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Bolt Farming Guide - Infinite, Easy Bolts

Bolts are the main currency used in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. You will be collecting them in order to purchase various new weapons that come on sale from Ms Zirkon. Bolts will drop from enemies, crates and a few...