UI & Menu Questions & Answers

UI stands for User Interface and is often used as a way to refer to the on screen elements that the gamer can interact with in order to navigate the games menu and perform actions.

One issue people often have, and the main reason a section exists here for questions and answers on game UIs and menus is that things can often be difficult to find. If you are having trouble finding anything, here is where to ask a question.


I am trying to continue the upgrades for the first skill tree, I need to upgrade “Resistance” in order to get to the Recycling section, but in order to get resistance it says that the prerequsites are to unlock the storm shield storage vault. When I go to my storm shield the storage is empty […]

I am in the storm shield menu and I want to transfer some junk from my backpack over to the storage at the storm shield. I purchased the deluxe edition of Fortnite and it says that i should have gotten 50 extra storage slots for items, but when I view the storage tab in the […]

I press  to trigger the builder and it immediately gets set to building a wall. I can see the floor trap icon on the far right with the  button above it, but whenever I press it, the game just opens up a menu to modify the wall I am about to build. I dont want to build […]

I’m not sure if it is my connection or just hosts being assholes, but I’m constantly getting dropped from games when the host leaves. I want to be able to host my own game so I can at least finish some games without needing to worry that the host will drop out as soon as […]

I want to use the cheats for this game, but I cant get the password entry screen to come up. It looks like they have changed things for the remake. Does anyone know how to activate the password screen for this?