How Do You Access Your Storage Safe In The Storm Shield?


I am in the storm shield menu and I want to transfer some junk from my backpack over to the storage at the storm shield. I purchased the deluxe edition of Fortnite and it says that i should have gotten 50 extra storage slots for items, but when I view the storage tab in the Storm Shield it tells me that i have 5/0 storage slots in my storage which seems odd. There is a message saying “Maximum Capacity Reached”, but it should be at least 50 considering I got the bonus. What do I need to do to access the storage safe?

Edit: I have added a section to the Fortnite Beginners guide that gives some tips on managing your inventory in Fortnite.

How Do You Access Your Storage Safe In The Storm Shield

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1 Answer

SteveSickle89 -

This is a pretty common issue with this game and it is not explained very well at all. The storage safe is used to store schematics and hero cards. It does not allow you to store crafted items. From the games main menu you can view all the schematics and you will see there is a limit to the amount that you can carry. This is a completely separate inventory to the backpack and storm shield storage. You can store weapons that you have crafted in the storm shield and the schematic to build that weapon in the safe/main menu inventory. This is more complicated than it needs to be but it is what it is.

For the record, you can increase the capacity of your storm shield storage by purchasing an item from the skill tree.

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