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Transporter Room Walkthrough

I found this to be one of the most difficult puzzles I have ever played in a video game. The issue with it isn't so much to do with the fact that the puzzle's clues were hard to find, it...
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Trash Disposal Room Walkthrough

This guide is a Trash Disposal Room Walkthrough for Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma. The trash disposal room is a relative small room with a large furnace that is used to destroy trash and in this case the girl who...
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Healing Room Walkthrough

The healing room is one of the more unusual puzzles as it seems as though the room was built as a puzzle rather than it being a puzzle to achieve a goal in the room. The room has a checkered...
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Fortnite Save The World Beginners Guide

Having spent some time playing Fortnite, I can say for sure that there is a bit of a learning curve. The main homebase UI is quite large and complex and due to the free to play design of the game,...
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How To Find Survivors In Fortnite

When you are playing through missions, you will often find survivors inside of buildings. They are typically hidden in the same way that treasure chests are hidden. They will be stashed away, out of sight and sometimes out of reach....
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Understanding The Homebase Menu

The homebase menu in Fortnite is split up into several tabs, each allowing you to control certain things. Since the game does a very poor job at explaining what a lot of it is for, this guide will help you...
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Power Levels And How They Work

Power level is one of the more confusing elements when you first start playing Fortnite. The game does very little to explain what it does and how to alter it. It doesn't become an issue until the game starts suggesting...
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Fortnite Skill Tree Break Down

The skill and research trees in Fortnite can be a difficult area to traverse. So many branches with lots of points that seem to make no sense. The hardest part is trying to figure out what is valuable and what...
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Fortnite Hero Classes Explained

Deciding on a hero class that works best for you is one of the more challenging things that you will have to do in Fortnite. Once you get to the point where you are able to evolve your heroes ,...
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Guide To Finding Fortnite Treasure Chests

After you discover your first treasure chest you will realize that the loot inside is often amazing. You should make it your goal to source the Fortnite treasure chests as quickly as possible. The issue with these chests is that...
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Leveling Up Heroes

Fortnite has a fairly unconventional levelling system for the in-game characters. Typically games that have XP, you will earn some for each kill you get and this will contribute toward the character level, but not in Fortnite. Levelling up heroes...
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7 Tips For Managing Inventory In Fortnite

The inventory in Fortnite is going to become a source of great frustration as you progress. The simple fact is that it is way too small and there is nowhere to store items when you are not using them. You...
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Gathering Resources In Fortnite

Gathering Resources is a key component to Fortnite and it is something you will spend a lot of time doing. If you spend your time smashing cars and trees you will quickly end up with 999 of the main 3...
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God of War Collectible Guide

God of War has gotten a massiverhaul from the structure of the previous games. The game has taken on a Tomb Raider like approach to collectibles. There are quite a few different collectibles scattered all over the world and this...
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God of War Idunn Apple Locations

An Idunn Apple is used as a way to increase Kratos’ health. This game can be hard at times so having the max amount of health. For every three apples you find, you will get a fairly substantial increase to...
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God of War Chained Dragon Guide

When you stumble into your first dragon quest you will likely be interested in finding out what the hell is going on. There are only three dragons in the game, so you won’t have to work too hard to free...
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God Of War Eye of Odin Raven Guide

Odin Ravens are fairly easy to spot due to the fact that they are green glowing birds. I don’t know what Odin was thinking with these. Stealth is not his strongest skill it seems. The ravens are fairly random in...
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God of War Artifact Locations

The vast majority of artifacts are fairly easy to find. As you collect them you will see a message pop up on the right side of the screen to let you know how many of this particular artifact type you...
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God Of War Treasure Map Locations

Early on in the game treasure maps can be a fantastic source of hacksilver. Later on in the game they will be a means to reward you with some of the more rare crafting components. If you are a trophy...
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God Of War Valkyrie Location Guide

Valkyries are female warriors that serve the gods. They are generally considered good, but due to some form of corruption they have turned evil. There are nine of these hidden around the land and you must fight all of them...
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Shadow of the Colossus - 79 Coin Locations Walkthrough

With the release of the Shadow of the Colossus remake came a new form of collectible that was not present in the original game. The hidden relics/coins were the subject of a large internet treasure hunt when first discovered in...
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Super Mario Odyssey 100% Power Moon Guide

In Mario's latest adventure on the Nintendo Switch, Power Moons have become the new form of puzzle collectable to replace the classic Stars. with a large selection of levels and dozens of power moons in each level, collecting them all...
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The Final Reich Objective Walkthrough (Fireworks Trophy/Achievement)

The Final Reich is the first Nazi Zombie map in Call of Duty WWII. Unlike past zombie maps in Call of Duty games, this map has a series of objectives that appear in the corner of the screen. In the...
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How To Get The Tesla Gun In WW2 Zombies

What would Nazi Zombies be in a Call of Duty game without its share of easter eggs? In the past COD games, the Wunderwaffe was the equivalent of a Tesla Gun. The difference between this gun and the Tesla Gun...
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How To Find Xur In Destiny 2

Xur is back in Destiny 2 and along with him comes the weekly hunt to find out what special goodies he has for us this week. Thankfully, Xur is far easier to look for in this game, making it a...