Gaming Hardware Guides
PS4 Error CE-32930-7 Cause & Fix
This is a perfect example of an error message that does absolutely nothing to explain what is wrong. The PS4 error code CE-32930-7, is an error that will likely show up as a result of trying to launch a game....
What Does It Mean To Set A Primary PS4?
If you own more than 1 PlayStation 4 you will likely have encountered the issue of a primary PS4. You may have also heard about it from friends who are looking for free games. The process of setting up a...
How To Make PS4 Remote Play Faster
This has been a question that has been around since the feature first launched and will likely remain something that will be an issue for a lot of people in the future. Remote play is running slow and you want a...
How To Use PS Move Controllers With the PSVR
If you have just purchased a PSVR or the PS Move controllers, you might not immediately figure out how they work. The PlayStation doesn't do a great job at explaining it. This is why I have put together this quick...
Reset PSN Password Without Date Of Birth
I recently ran into a really annoying issue where I had registered for a PSN account and provided a fake Date of Birth (DOB). I have also gone and forgot the password for the account. Part of the password reset...
Faking Amiibos Using An Android Phone
Amiibo's are plastic figures based on games released for Nintendo consoles. These highly collectable figures also contain a little chip in the base of each model that allows users to unlock special bonuses when they are used with specific games...
How To Take Apart A Dualshock 4 Controller
Generally speaking, the Dualshock 4 is fairly sturdy and there aren't too many reasons that it would need to be repaired. In the event that you want to make some cosmetic changes or fix something that is broken inside, this...
How To Setup The PSVR With The PS4
The PlayStation VR headset comes with its fair share of wires and connections that need to be sorted out before you can begin playing any VR games on the PlayStation 4. This video guide from IGN will show you how to setup...
How To Fix The Red Ring Of Death RROD Repair
The dreaded Red Ring of Death (RROD) is an issue that plagued almost every first gen Xbox 360. Similar to the YLOD on the Ps3, this was generally caused by the system overheating too the point that the solder on...
How To Take Apart A Dualshock 3
Taking apart a Dualshock 3 is relatively simple, but putting it back together is not to simple. If you have a broken button or have smashed the controller off the ground in anger and need to repair it. This guide...