Gaming Hardware Guides


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How To Take Apart a Slim PS3

There are 3 different models of Playstation 3 consoles. This video guide will show you how to fully take apart the Slim PS3 model, which was the second Playstation 3 console that was released. If you are looking to clean...
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How To Permanently Repair YLOD on Fat PS3

The first gen model of the Playstation 3 got very hot, so hot that the solder that held various components connected to the motherboard would often melt. When this occurred the hardware components would break the connection with the motherboard and...
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How To Fully Take Apart A Fat PS3

The Fat or Phat PS3 was the first model of Playstation 3 that was released. This system is the most dust-prone of all PS3 models and if you want to keep this system from getting the YLOD you should make...