PlayStation 5


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Relic Ruins: Restless Weald

Restless Weald is a fairly enjoyable Relic Ruin in Horizon: Forbidden West that will test you on a few new puzzle mechanics as well as give you one of the most cryptic door code clues that may take you a...
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The Taste of Victory Bird Eggs

As part of The Taste of Victory quest, you will be asked to see out some bird eggs on an island near a lake. The quest seems rather innocuous until you actually arrive on the island and are faced with...
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Is There Any Reason To Keep Ancient Items?

Looting chests and other ancient storage containers will often reveal some kind of ancient items. These can range from things like keys, or chimes as they are referred to in the game, to some technological items that are from the...

Rescue The Survivors Trapped in the Metal Tower (Deluge)

How do you get to the survivors trapped in the metal tower during the deluge quest in Forbidden West?

Can you use flying machines to land on Tallnecks?

Is it possible to use flying mounts to make it to the top of Tallnecks in Forbidden West?

Can overridden birds be mounted?

Is it possible to use birds as mounts when you override them, just like you can with other overridden machines in the game?

Do you keep any progress when you die?

When you die in Horizon Forbidden West, does all of the progress reset or do you get to keep any earned XP?

Seeds of the past Stuck With Closed Gate?

During the seeds of the past quest, there is no way forward. There is a locked gate with enemies behind it but nothing is happening.

Stuck Looting, Aloy won't stand up

Aloy gets stuck when looting a dead enemy and there is no way to make her break away from the looting
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Horizon: Forbidden West Review

Score: 9.5/10
Guerilla Games are no stranger to the limelight. They have been building games of exceptional quality for years and are, without doubt, a team of extraordinary talent. After the massive blockbuster success that was Horizon: Zero Dawn, the stage has...