PlayStation 4


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How To Calm The BB Down When Stressed

During some intense scenes with lots of BTs, your BB will often get very upset and if the scene goes on for too long, the baby could get autotoxemia or something along those lines. It makes the BB pass out...

How do I get back to crater lake?

How do you get back to crater lake to dispose of items in Death Stranding?

Should I kill Cassandra O'Malley?

Should I kill or free Cassandra O'Malley in Outer World's. She is locked in a cage and I have the option.

Should I buy the Bow and Arrow from the Shop?

Should i purchase the bow and arrow from the store in Mabe village or should i wait and see if i get this from a quest reward or chest?

Error saving game, out of disk space

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Forager Review

Score: 7/10
Sometimes it feels like everyone is trying to jump onto the Minecraft bandwagon. Endless streams of games based on an 8-bit sandbox world. It can always be hard to pick the good from the bad. Forager certenately has some elements...
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Forager Game Guide

Forager is a delightful adventure game where you must gather resources from the world in order to craft items, construct buildings and take on enemies. It feels like a good blend between Minecraft and The Legend of Zelda. Throughout the...
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Forager Items and Resources

Harvesting items and resources is the core mechanic of Forager. Much like Minecraft, you must use tools to gather resources from the surrounding areas. A lot of the items in the game are fairly obvious and function as you might...
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You might find the odd Cinderbloom hidden away in the desert temple but this isn’t enough to keep you going. It sure won't be enough to fill the collection of 50 that is required in the museum. Where to Find...
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Another of the advanced components that might catch you by surprise when you are more familiar with dealing with Minecraft style elements. Fiberglass is one of the more advanced crafting components that you need to create later on in the...