PlayStation 4


Should I Divert power to Edgewater or Botanical Garden?

Which place should i divert the power to, the town of Edgewater or the botanical garden.. My partner suggests edgwater, jsut want to be sure.

How Do You throw Cargo into the water?

What controls do you use to throw items into the water in Death Stranding? Is there a way to toss cargo rather than drop it

How do you make Lockne Change her mind?

I need to find a way to change locknes mind. I am at mountain knot city but i do not know what I am supposed to do to make her let me in

How long does it take for a dead body to go necro?

How long do I have to dispose of a dead body in Death Stranding before it goes necro? Is there a way to see how much time you have left before it is too late?

How do you attach cargo to a bike in Death Stranding?

What do you do to load cargo onto a bike in Death Stranding. I have built a trike but I cant find a way to load cargo onto it.

How to get a bike in Death Stranding?

How are you meant to get a new bike in death stranding? The bike that I have found is all broken down and damaged. How to i repair it or build a new bike when this one is broken?

Is there a way to pass time faster to replenish resources?

Is there a way to make supplies replenish faster at the knot cities and settlements. Can you rest and force the items to replenish faster than normally having to wait and play on with the game

Can you drive the trucks?

Can you drive the trucks that are near the cities. They are locked and I am unable to get into them, but they seem to be movable.
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Carrying Pizza Boxes The Correct Way

If you are a little salty about the whole delivery boy side of this game, getting orders to deliver pizza can be a bit of a kick in the nuts. When you get your first pizza delivery order, yes there...
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How To Get To The Elder

You will eventually find you need to pay a visit to the elder. The craftsman and engineer, who are in the same area are all easy enough to reach thanks to roads and easy enough terrain in general. The elder,...