PlayStation 4


Solid Fuel Thruster not printing?

The solid fuel thruster is not building correctly in the tutorial. I have the resources but the printer is not working when I try to print it?

Oxygenator not working, can't connect tether?

The oxygenator is not working for me. I have build tethers nearby but they are not lighting up. The air is not transferring to the tether lines?

Is there a way to flatten terrain?

Is there a way to flatten the terrain around your base so that you can build stuff on a smooth surface?

How Do You Build A Smelter?

How do you build a smelting furnace for creating resources in Astroneer?

Where do you find Tungsten?

Where do you find Tungsten for crafting in Astroneer?
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Neon Abyss

Neon Abyss is a frantic roguelike action platformer features unlimited item synergies and unique dungeon evolving system. Slay enemies and bosses using a collection of wild and unusual weapons and powerups making this one of the more stylish and unique...
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Neon Abyss Beginners Guide

The bright lights of the Neon Abyss are eye-catching. As soon as you get your hands on it, you are going to want to explore and start kicking ass. Roguelite games aren't rocket science, but there are a few caveats...

How do you Access Weapons Purchased from the Witch?

How do I get to the weapon I bought from the witch with sin points. I see it on the pillar after the bar.

How Do You Get More Sin?

What do you need to do to get more sin as quickly as possible in West of Dead?

You Hear a Strange Sound Coming from Afar? What is this?

What are you meant to do when you get the "You hear a strange sound coming from afar" message?