PlayStation 4


Where Do You Find Clay?

Where do you find clay in this game? I have looked around the planet and I have no come across any yet. Where do you get it?

How Do You Drive The Tractor?

How do you make the move? I have built one and when i sit in it, i can't get it to move anywhere?

What Does a Jasper Pawn Do?

I have found an item called a Jasper pawn on the moon in Astroneer. What does this item do and how do you use it?

How Do You Change The Difficulty?

Is there a way to lower the game difficulty in West of Dead to make it a bit easier?

How Do You Get Past The Barrier At The Hut?

How do you break down the large barrier with the deer skull near the boss battle with the wendigo in west of dead?

How Do You Open The Exo Dynamics Research Aid?

How do you unlock the exo dynamics research aid boxes that randomly appear around the world?

How Do You Salvage Debris?

What are you meant to do with all of the debris and broken machines that are sitting around the surface of the planet?

How do you destroy items and structures you don't want?

Is there a way to destroy items and structures that you no longer want anymore? Is there a way to sell or scrap them to get some resources back?

Where can I find Copper?

Where can I find copper for printing items that generate electricity?

How Do You Get Glass?

How do you get glass in Astroneer? What resources do you create it from and how?