Solid Fuel Thruster not printing?


I am off to a great start in the tutorial. I have setup the small printer and I am trying to make it print the solid fuel thruster for the rocket. I have all of the resources required and the objective on the screen is telling me to print the item. I am pretty sure I have done everything the game has told me to do but when I try to push the button to print the rocket, nothing happens. It doesn’t respond negatively or positively. Is this a bug?

Solid Fuel Thruster not printing

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1 Answer

bandersnatch -

I had the same problem. Make sure the printer is connected to the core building with the cable. If you look at the bottom of the printer there is a red connection. Interact with it and it will create a cable that you can pull around the place. Connect this to a source of power and the printer will function correctly. Power generators and other core base buildings will have cable slots for transferring power.

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