PlayStation 4


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Astroneer Resource Guide

Crafting and resource gathering is a core part of the Astroneer adventure. There are over 40 components that will come up as part of the crafting/printing process in the game. Figuring out where to find all of these components can...
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Astroneer - Composite Resources Wiki

Composite resources are a category of resources in Astroneer that are a combination of other elements and resources, natural, refined, gas or even created from multiple other composite resources. All composite resources are made from two main ingredients with an...

How deep can you dig?

How deep can you dig into the planets in Astroneer, can you get all the way to the bottom?

Are there any bosses or story related aspects to the game?

Does Astroneer have any end game boss fights or story related content that mark the end of the game?

What are debris used for?

What are debris used for? They are all over the place but most of the time there is nothing of use in the pile of scrap

Can trailers be connected to the large rover?

Can the trailers used for the tractor also be connected to the large rover to increase the amount of stuff you can carry?
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Astroneer - Nanocarbon Alloy

Nanocarbon alloy is a composite resource in Astroneer. This one is the big daddy of crafting in this game. It requires 3 ingredients, all of which require a good bit of resources and effort to craft in the first place....
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Astroneer - Titanium Alloy

Titanium Allow is a composite resource in Astroneer. This is one of those resources that will put you in a bit of a huff. You have gone to the effort of hunting down titanium and smelted only to find that...
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Astroneer - Steel

Steel is a composite resource in Astroneer. In order to create steel in real life, you need to use Iron with carbon. The process is the same in this game. In order to create it you will need to have...
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Astroneer - Explosive Powder

Explosive powder is a composite resource in Astroneer. It is a resource that may be overlooked due to it only being used to create TNT and fireworks. The terrain tool with a good drill mod can eat through the hardest...