PlayStation 4


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Astroneer - Desolo

Desolo is the first journey you are likely to make in a rocket in Astroneer. It is the moon of Sylva and is a fairly easy one to explore. It is a barren moon, much like Earths moon.  It is...
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Astroneer - Sylva

Sylva is the starting planet in Astroneer. All new games will result in the player landing on this planet. Sylva is a fairly calm and hazard free planet. There are a few dangerous plants like popcoral, but these plants won't...

Is the large rover worth building?

Is the large rover vehicle worth building. It costs a lot to get the materials needed to build it. I want to know if it is worth the trouble

Do wind turbines work underground?

Do wind turbines generate energy when they are underground. Can they be used to power batteries?

Can rockets fly with large items like a large rover?

Are you able to attach items like a large rover to a rocket in order to bring it to another planet?

Does power reduce with more connectors?

Will the amount of power available start to reduce the further a structure is away from the power source?

Can tethers be put back into a bundle?

Is it possible to collect tethers and put them back into a bundle?

Is there any reason to store organic?

Organic always seems to get picked up when gathering resources. Is there any reason to hold onto it or can I throw it all away?

How do you find the place you last landed on a planet?

When returning to a planet, how do you know the last location you landed where you setup a base?

What's the best way to gather debris?

Whats the best way to gather up as much debris as possible in the most efficient way that reduces the number of trips back to the home base.