Puzzle Guides


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Force Quit Box D Team Password

This is one of the passwords that was not immediately obvious. It may take a few different endings to be completed before you make the connection. The clue for this are the mothers memento's. These items belong to 2 of...
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Door Of Truth Code

The door of truth is found in the shower/locker room. The password will not be known until you complete 2 separate timelines. One gives you the clue and the other will give you the code, but you may not know...
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Q Team 3 Way Standoff Options

When you are in the library there will be a Q team 3 way standoff where you need to input a piece of text that will determine the outcome of the standoff. There are 4 possible outcomes, all of which...
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How To Get The Tesla Gun In WW2 Zombies

What would Nazi Zombies be in a Call of Duty game without its share of easter eggs? In the past COD games, the Wunderwaffe was the equivalent of a Tesla Gun. The difference between this gun and the Tesla Gun...
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The Witness Walkthrough All Puzzles

The Witness is a puzzle game that is quite similar to games like Portal and Talos Principle. You are given a series of puzzles that you need to solve in themed areas of an open world map. Puzzles vary quite...
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Zero Time Dilemma Pantry Walkthrough

Look at the poster on the wall that explains how to make the jelly man. You will need to gather the ingredients to follow these instructions. Move to the cabinet to the left of this poster. On the cabinet on...
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Completing The Scouting Patrol Quest On The Farm

There is a scouting patrol mission on the farm that will provide you and everyone else there with a temporary buff. This buff will be removed as soon as you leave the farm, but while you are there it will...
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How to Trigger Heroic Public Events

When playing through any public event across the planets in Destiny 2, you will find that they start to get quite easy over time. For those after a bigger challenge and for those wanting to get better loot, you can...
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Haunted Large Crate Puzzle Room Solution

This puzzle is found toward the end of Level 3: Haunted in Vaporum. You will need to get a golden key that is locked inside a box that is currently blocked by a large door. In order to get to...
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The Thumium Experiment Pressure Plate Puzzle Level 9

This puzzle is a secret area in the 9th level in Vaporum called "The Thumium Experiment". This is a room of pressure plates that control a door at the end. The goal is to stand on every single pressure plate...