Video Game Guides


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Tips For Managing Inventory And Stash Space

In the Fallout games of old, you felt like you had bottomless pockets. You could pick up a huge amount of stuff without any consideration. You really had to take a lot of stuff to become over-encumbered in the past....
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Easy Ways To Get Ammo & Bullets

Ammo in a nuclear wasteland is naturally going to be in short supply. In past Fallout games, ammo wasn't exactly plentiful, but you never really had to deal with a shortage of it either. Fallout 76 has changed this trend...
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How To Get Power Armor

Power armor is one of the most identifiable parts of the Fallout franchise with it being featured in the game box cover art of several titles. The entire system got a major overhaul in Fallout 4 which has been carried...
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How To Fast Travel Efficiently

Fast travel has always been a part of Fallout games. The long trek across the map can be avoided by simply opening the map, selecting the point you want go to and you will essentially teleport. The feature, while useful,...
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Best Places To Build Your C.A.M.P

The C.A.M.P In Fallout 76 is an expansion of the settlement system that we saw in Fallout 4. All players will have access to a C.A.M.P machine. Placing this on the ground will allow you to construct a small settlement...
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Vault 79 - Side With Foundation Or Crater?

Vault 79 plays a large part in the main story of Fallout 76. The great heist where you must seek the help of other factions in the wasteland to help you break into the vault in an attempt to restore...
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Munition Factory Blueprint Glitch

Ammo is the main consumable item in Fallout 76 that you will need to pay a lot of attention to. Ammo runs out quickly if you take part in lots of events. Crafting more at a tinkers workbench is not...
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Best Way To Spend Scrip

Scrip is a new currency in Fallout 76 that is exclusively used in the trade of legendary weapons. As you sell on legendary weapons and armour you do not want at the train stations and complete the odd quest that...
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Super Fast Weapon Reload Glitch

Here is an awesome reload glitch for Fallout 76 that will allow you to massively increase the reload speed of any weapon. There is almost no work involved here and it is impossible to get in any trouble from it....
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999 Round Magazine For Any Gun

Have a kick-ass rifle but are fed up with there only being 5 bullets and always having to reload at the last second when a ghoul is up on top of you? What about having to reload the moment a...